

Though this app is simple in many ways, and certainly lacks the flexibility of Scrivener, it does boast a plethora of handy little features which you can use or ignore as you see fit. You can also easily jump from one scene to another using the drop down menus at the bottom of the scene editing window.


As such, there is no easy way to format your page layout (rulers, margins, etc). However, in addition to the features you would expect to find on any word processor, you also have the ability to hear your story read out to you by Microsoft David or Microsoft Zira (a feature which can be handy for helping you to edit a manuscript you’ve grown overly familiar with) and there’s a whole host of tabs on this window which allow you to edit all sorts of information pertaining to the scene you’re working on, if you find that sort of thing useful.


Unlike many modern word processors, however, you are essentially restricted to writing in a rich text box rather than on a virtual page. The window which you use to actually write your scene is also pretty self-explanatory for anyone even remotely familiar with ordinary word processors.
